Testimonial Support Disclosure

From time to time Investment Academy LLC submits to its clientele surveys regarding their experience with various Investment Academy® offers. Investment Academy® emails every purchaser of each of its offers, and asks them to participate in a survey related to the products and/or services they have purchased. The surveys are conducted with a view toward determining the average or “typical” results of a purchaser of the products and/or services that Investment Academy® offers.

Not all customers respond to the surveys. Even among those customers who do respond to Investment Academy®'s survey requests, such customers may not respond to every question.

The results of the most recent survey conducted in February and March of 2022 are summarized below. Please note that numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number percentage. In this case, 117 customers responded to the survey, and not all customers completed the full survey. The customers who responded to the survey include active and former members of coaching programs offered from 2014-2022.

Customers were asked, on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is “strongly agree” and 1 is “strongly disagree”, whether they have a clearer understanding of their monthly cash flow than they did prior to joining Investment Academy®. 21% (24/117) said 10, 10% (12/117) said 9, 14% (17/117) said 8, 12% (14/117) said 7, 5% (6/117) said 6, 16% (19/117) said 5, 3% (3/117) said 4, 5% (6/117) said 3, 5% (6/117) said 2, and 9% (10/117) said 1.

52% (61/117) of customers who responded to the survey said that they have improved their monthly cash flow since using Investment Academy® cash flow recovery techniques. 31% (36/117) said that they did not improve their monthly cash flow, and 17% (20/117) said that they have not tried any of the strategies.

20% (12/61) of customers who responded said that their monthly cash flow has increased by $1-$500; 26% (16/61) said that it increased by $500-$1,500; 25% (15/61) said that it increased by $1,500-$3,000; 11% (7/61) said that it increased by $3,000-$5,000; 8% (5/61) said that it increased by $5,000-$10,000; and 10% (6/61) said that it increased by $10,000 or more.

47% (55/117) of customers who responded said that learning about InvestorDna helped them become better investors. 32% (37/117) said that they have not yet used InvestorDna, and 21% (25/117) said that it did not help them become better investors.

66% (77/117) of customers who responded to the survey said that they have increased their emergency savings since working with Investment Academy®. Responses indicated that the average number of months of savings increased by four months.

54% (63/117) of customers who responded to the survey said that they have set up a Wealth Capture account. 38% (44/117) have not, and 8% (10/117) have not heard of a Wealth Capture account.

45% (53/117) of customers who responded to the survey said that they have reduced their debt using Investment Academy® strategies. 31% (36/117) said they did not, and 24% (28/117) said that they did not have debt or that this did not apply to them.

50% (58/117) of customers who responded to the survey said that they have been able to reduce their taxes with strategies that they learned since joining Investment Academy®.

45% (53/117) of customers who responded to the survey said that they have grown their business/entrepreneurial income since working with Investment Academy®.

Customers were asked, on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is “strongly agree” and 1 is “strongly disagree”, whether they feel more secure about their financial future than they did prior to joining Investment Academy®. 25% (29/117) said 10, 16% (19/117) said 9, 15% (18/117) said 8, 8% (10/117) said 7, 3% (4/117) said 6, 12% (14/117) said 5, 3% (4/117) said 4, 2% (2/117) said 3, 8% (10/117) said 2, and 6% (7/117) said 1.

Customers were asked, on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is “strongly agree” and 1 is “strongly disagree”, whether they have a clearer understanding of their financial situation/plan than they did prior to joining Investment Academy®. 24% (28/117) said 10, 21% (25/117) said 9, 11% (13/117) said 8, 10% (12/117) said 7, 6% (7/117) said 6, 11% (13/117) said 5, 3% (3/117) said 4, 3% (4/117) said 3, 5% (6/117) said 2, and 5% (6/117) said 1.

Customers were asked, on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is “strongly agree” and 1 is “strongly disagree”, whether they would recommend Investment Academy® to a friend. 35% (41/117) said 10, 17% (20/117) said 9, 8% (10/117) said 8, 8% (10/117) said 7, 2% (2/117) said 6, 12% (14/117) said 5, 3% (4/117) said 4, 0% (0/117) said 3, 6% (7/117) said 2, and 8% (9/117) said 1.