Financial Disclaimer

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The site exists for educational purposes only, and the materials and information contained therein are for general informational purposes only. With regard to financial content contained therein: neither company nor its owners, officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, service providers, content providers and agents are financial advisors, or an investment advisory service, and nothing contained in the site is intended to be or to be construed as financial advice, or legal, compliance, financial, tax, accounting or related advice.

The information contained on the site is based on sources and information reasonably believed to be accurate as of the time it was recorded or created. However, this material deals with topics that are constantly changing and are subject to ongoing changes related to technology and the market place as well as legal and related compliance issues. Therefore, the completeness and current accuracy of the in the site cannot be guaranteed.

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Any case studies, examples, illustrations, or testimonials cannot guarantee that you will achieve similar results. In fact, your results may vary significantly and factors such as my market, personal effort and many other circumstances may and will cause results to vary.

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Monetary and income results are based on many factors. company has no way of knowing how well you will do, as they do not know you, your background, your work ethic, or your business skills or practices. Therefore, company does not guarantee or imply that you will get rich, that you will do as well, or that you will make any money at all. If you rely upon figures provided in the site; you must accept the risk of not doing as well.

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