Here at Investment Academy, we help our clients build comprehensive wealth architecture with a financial team approach. One of the first places we start is with quick, tax-saving strategies that can instantly inject new cash flow back into their lives. More importantly, we help them implement a permanent tax-reduction strategy so they keep getting tax breaks automatically, year-after-year.
Here’s What You Get Instant Access To In This Handy Pocket Tax Guide:
- 3 critical tax-slashing strategies most accountants NEVER mention to small business owners. Using these simple strategies is an absolute must if you want to save your hard-earned money under the new 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, yet many CPAs drop the ball on these…
- Easy reference tables and checklists for key tax facts like standard deduction amounts, which documents to keep, and important tax dates (saves you time searching for these items on the IRS website)...
- A short-list of the top deductions small business owners can take. Bring this list to your CPA or tax-preparer to make sure you’re not missing out on any money-saving deductions you’re entitled to (note: if your accountant pushes them aside or says they could trigger an audit, that’s a red flag that your current tax team is costing you money)
- Did you know that hiring your child could save you thousands per year (while giving them valuable business experience)? This guide includes the amount you can pay them, tax-free — and the top 10 jobs you can hire your kids to do for your business, plus…
- Additional links to resources including “How to Choose a Wealth-Minded CPA’, “300+ Tax Saving Deductions,” and “32 Employment Ideas for Your Child.”
The tax system is designed to help you save on tax. Those who don't use the laws to their advantage pay the most. At Investment Academy, we're all for paying our fair share of taxes. We just don't think it's necessary to leave a tip.
If you agree and want to use the tax system to your advantage, this guide will give you the most important factors you need to look at — starting right now — all while playing by the rules 100%.
Build the life you love,
The Builders at Investment Academy