For a Limited Time: Get 61% Off Cash Flow Banking…

How To Safely Grow Your Wealth Tax-Free With a Rock-Solid Financial Strategy the Wealthy Have Sworn By for 152+ Years…

Now you can use the same system the Wall Street Journal calls “A tax shelter for the rich.”

  • Cash Flow Banking is a contractually guaranteed system that’s paid out every year since 1872 (when Ulysses S. Grant was U.S. President)
  • The principle behind Cash Flow Banking has been used by successful people and companies like Warren Buffett, Wal-Mart, General Electric, all major banks, and even Walt Disney
  • The financial engine behind Cash Flow Banking is your own “Family Bank” that pays interest at 5-15 times the average bank savings account… and can give access to guaranteed loans without credit checks for any reason, like paying for your children’s college, starting a business or investing with your Investor DNA
  • Of all the financial topics we teach and cover at Investment Academy, it is the overwhelming #1 favorite strategy people write to us about… and for good reason.
  • It CRUSHES every other saving method for accumulating wealth quickly and safely — accelerating your path to Economic Independence — without risky investments or the need to make more money.

Cash Flow Banking



2024 “Grow and Protect" Discount

-$303.00 (61% OFF)

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Here's everything you get when you order Cash Flow Banking today:

Here's a tiny sample of the strategies you'll discover:

  • How America’s wealthiest families continue to grow their wealth tax-free… and how you can too so you can enjoy a tax-free retirement.
  • The “5 C's of Cash Flow Banking” — following these simple guidelines rigs the money game in your favor and generates more monthly cash flow without budgeting or cutting back so you can enjoy more time with your family.
  • Cut out the "middleman" so you can earn interest instead of paying it, and avoid all the wealth-sapping fees found in most middle-class retirement and investment vehicles.
  • The 7 questions to ask before ever investing another penny. Following this simple, systematic approach keeps your money as safe as humanly possible while making investment decisions as easy as running through a checklist…
  • The one “expense” you should always “max-out” (and why spending as much as you can on this single expense most people avoid can actually skyrocket your productivity and peace of mind)
  • An easy 3-step process to instantly fortify your wealth, give you guaranteed growth, and boost your investment returns
  • Get paid to borrow money? This unique strategy earns you interest on the money you borrow... even if it’s for a car, house, business or whatever loan you need.
  • And much, much more...


  • Exclusive access to our online software tools, forms, and guides designed to help you maximize the power of your Cash Flow Bank.
  • Member webinars as needed on advanced Cash Flow Banking topics, new uses for your personal bank, or law changes you want to be aware of.
  • Inside techniques used by the ultra-wealthy including how to get tax-preferred treatment on all your savings, boost the interest you earn on every investment, and eliminate the need (and high costs) of several different kinds of insurance…
  • Advanced Strategies you can use now or later to accelerate your wealth, including Captive Insurance (being your own insurance company), Premium Financing (how to get a bank to buy you a huge life insurance policy and pay the premiums for you up-front), and how to use Cash Flow as an exit plan for your business.
  • 24/7 Lifetime Access to your Private Members Area - Access all your materials and resources on any device so you can read online, download, or print.

Cash Flow Banking

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Here's How Some Of Our Friends Are Enjoying Cash Flow Banking:

I will never have to worry about financing again. I only wish that I had started sooner. That is precisely the reason why I am in the process of setting up Cash Flow Banking for my children.

- Dr. Ben Warnock, Dentist, Lima, Ohio

I have used a form of Cash Flow Banking since 1999 and can say that the financial crisis and internet bubble had NO affect on my Cash Flow Bank account values. I use loans from my Cash Flow Bank in my software business to buy other businesses, and the liquidity has helped get new deals quickly because there is no closing or financing needed.

- Joe M., Businessman and author, Detroit, Michigan

I just started my Cash Flow bank a few months ago. I have already used some of the cash for a Dental Procedure.

It is so nice to not have to use my credit cards for something like this.

I will be starting my kids on their own too!

- Patty R., Doctor of Homeopathy, Lagunitas, California

I will pay off my house six years earlier than planned!

I started a Cash Flow Banking system a few years ago and without having to think about it, I have automatically built up a substantial cash value over the years. Recently I refinanced my house and will be saving over $100k in interest and will now pay off my house six years earlier than planned!! The only way I was able to pay the closing costs of my new loan and close the deal is because of the cash I had built up in my Cash Flow Bank.

- Ryan S., Utah

I save $2000/month in Cash Flow Banking, and that has been unaffected by recent market downturn. Took most of our other money out of market, so almost nothing lost. Feel no stress during this economic collapse, as long as government does not fail. Thank you and the team!

- Rubye B., Teacher, Miami, Florida

Cash Flow Banking

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Your 30-day guarantee puts all the risk on us, so place your order now with confidence.

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