Dear Friend,
If you agree that budgeting isn’t the way to build wealth, then this may be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
Because budgeting and cutting back is a game of scarcity.
And we all know the wealthiest people in the world didn’t get that way because they budget.
The wealthy are playing a game of abundance. They live within their means by EXPANDING their means — not cutting back.
Sometimes that means spending MORE money — not less.
Because you’re getting efficient with your money, so there’s more available to spend.
And because you’re spending money on “rainmaking” expenses that actually make you richer than before.
But you won’t hear that from the personal finance gurus who guilt you for every type of expense — rainmaking or not. They focus on sacrificing and cutting back, and it destroys your financial growth.
So we’ve decided it’s time for something new...
What If There Was a Way to Grow Richer on Your Current Income, Not Poorer...
A way that makes you more efficient with your money, so there’s more to spend…
And that gives you permission to spend MORE, not less...
That expands your means rather than limits it…
That allows you the freedom to live better today without sacrificing your future...
To enjoy life along the way without guilt AND become better off financially tomorrow, too...
Wouldn’t this be the financial philosophy that you would want to know more about?
If so, that’s exactly why we want to get you a copy of our book Budgeting Sucks today.
And at a price so low — we’re practically giving it away.
Introducing Budgeting Sucks, a Revolutionary New Way to Live Free and Retire Wealthy — Without Cutting Back

Budgeting Sucks gives you the frameworks and solutions for building wealth.
It’s a step-by-step system to stop living in scarcity and start building wealth through abundance — because no one shrinks their way to wealth.
You’ll discover how to get efficient with your money so you have more to spend and put into play…
How to save more money without sacrificing, scrimping or becoming scrooge....
And how to start USING your money to invest in yourself, your business, and maximize your financial future — rather than restraining or constricting it.
It's a quick, easy read that you can finish in a couple evenings or a weekend.
But the results will last a lifetime — and even for generations when you pass these habits and philosophies on to the next generation.
Here’s Just Some Of What You’ll Discover Inside...
- The step-by-step system for automatically growing wealthier every month — on your current income — without restricting yourself to a budget
- Increase expenses AND save more money? It’s possible when you focus on these specific expenses
- How we've helped business owners recover an average of $3,279/month by getting more efficient with their money — not by cutting back. That’s nearly $40,000 per year!
- How scrimp-and-sacrifice advice that’s meant for out-of-control spenders actually handcuffs the rest of us and puts a ceiling on your wealth
- How to solve money problems without money… the solution is different than you think, it could be one of your greatest success secrets
- You’re wealthier than you think! Retirement planners make you feel behind on your financial plan, but this smarter metric will show you where you really stand
- How to pay off loans faster, smarter and with less stress using a formula invented by an Aerospace engineer
- How to pay less tax like a corporation, even if you’re an employee (it’s all about reclassifying your income)
- Find and destroy hidden fees in your investments
- The 1 place many of our clients put their money when they want greater, safer returns
- How the limiting thoughts of budgeters make them even more broke
- A 3-step exercise to create wealth out of nothing, even if you’re starting with no money
- A simple fill-in-the-blanks formula for building financial capital that works no matter what your situation now — business owner or employee, wealthy or not
- 3 reasons why your credit score is lower than it should be — through no fault of your own — and how to fix it to quickly improve your credit score
- Simple strategies for getting similar or even BETTER insurance at lower rates
- Have you been told to avoid borrowing money like the plague? That’s nonsense... borrowing money for this strategy makes you more money!
- The surprising difference between rookie and seasoned investors? Rookie investors are always __________
- How to amass wealth without multiple streams of income (which can become multiple streams of distraction)
- How to reduce risk and get maximum value from opportunities
- Think that 2% mutual fund management fee is tiny and insignificant? Think again — by retirement it will have eaten up most of your gains... and we’ll show you how
- How to invest the way banks invest their own money... not how they say to invest your money, which is completely different and less rewarding
- The secret to economic independence that no retirement planner will tell you… because they’re playing a completely different game
- AND how to design a comprehensive financial infrastructure that focuses on production rather than scarcity — and automates your wealth creation
Finally, YOU Are at the Center of Your Financial Plan
Do you ever wonder why the financial industry tells you to cut out lattes and dining out? Or to put off vacations and once-in-a-lifetime experiences until one-day, someday?
While at the same time telling you to lock money away in the stock market for 30 years?
Maybe it’s because they want you to spend less on yourself… so you can deposit more money where they’ll get a commission!
Budgeting Sucks shows you how to stop following the self-serving advice of the financial industry…
So that you can start investing in yourself...
To start a business or passion project, write a book, change careers, fulfill your life’s potential, grow your wealth and expand your means…
And know that you’re always growing wealthier because you’ve followed the system to...
Automatically Grow Your Savings Without Cutting Back
You’ll end up substantially richer when you automate your savings, stability, and security so you can focus on deliberately investing and living wealthy along the way.
One reason budgeting sucks is because it’s too time-consuming.
The book Budgeting Sucks turns this failed system on its head.
You will discover how to automate your savings with a Wealth Capture account that makes saving money simple, effortless, automatic and fun to watch as the size of your wealth snowballs.
Wondering where that money is going to come from?
Budgeting Sucks will also show you how to...
Find Extra Money Hidden in Your Cash Flow
You’ll discover how to keep way more of what you make without cutting back, like…
How to save on tax, pay less interest, avoid fees and commissions… even how to lower insurance costs while often increasing coverage.
You’ll discover how to pay off loans faster and more efficiently… leaving you with more money at the end of the month to pad your bank account, spend on your business, or take advantage of an opportunity.
Do you own a business? There is no better return than keeping more of what you make because you stopped overpaying on taxes, interest, insurance, fees and more.
You’ll also discover how to increase your credit score so you can lower your interest rates and renegotiate loans and credit cards for better terms.
All in all, you’ll discover countless ways to stop leaking money and boost your bottom line.
So you’ll end up feeling and being wealthier… even on your current income.
Expand Your Means, Don’t Shrink Your Means
Cutting back might save you in the very short run.
But finding extra money to invest in yourself and your skill sets expands your means today and tomorrow.
Budgeting Sucks will also show you how to retrain your brain to ask the right questions.
For example, instead of telling yourself “I can’t afford this,” you’ll create new mental patterns to ask yourself “How can I afford this?”
Not, “How much is this?” but “How much more productive will this make me?”
You’ll also discover how to shift your mindset from the scarcity-minded Consumer Condition to the Producer Paradigm — so you see opportunity where others only see problems.
And how to use the Velocity Advantage to turn stagnant assets into cash flow.
PLUS Profit From Your Unique, Unfair Money Advantage
Why do some people always seem to make money in the stock market, when others lose their shirt?
How is it that one person can turn a piece of real estate into a monthly cash cow, while another person loses money on a nearly identical property?
It’s because everyone has their own Unique Money Advantage… and when you discover it, you can prosper more than ever before.
Most people are given cookie-cutter financial plans to follow. But these one-size-fits-all plans have a major downside… they don’t match your unique strengths, knowledge, or experience.
Budgeting Sucks will show you how to evaluate your unique strengths, knowledge and experience…
...And in just one quick chapter, you will discover the Unique Money Advantage that gives you an extra “edge” that no one else can duplicate — because it’s unique to you.
This means more reward, less risk, and in less time...
So You Can Live Free and Retire Wealthy!
Budgeting Sucks can help you reach Economic Independence — where your assets create enough cash flow to cover your basic expenses — in the next 3 to 7 years.
Because instead of trying to save ten percent of your income every year until retirement — and instead of risking it in the markets in the name of earning “ten percent” — you can free up ten times more money to invest in yourself, or a business, or your quality of life.
And you’ll know that you have a solid foundation where your assets produce cash flow for you now and in the future.
That way you get to live free of guilt and worry, because you have a financial plan delivering results now — not just 30 years down the road.
And you get to enjoy life today AND tomorrow — because you’re building wealth without constricting your lifestyle or sacrificing your happiness.
This Book Is for You If:
- You want to enjoy life more now and still prepare for the future
- You don’t want to miss out on making memories in the name of sticking to your budget or trying to get out of debt
- You own a business and want to recover lost cash flow (the average client we work with at the elite-level recovers $3,279/month
- You want to use the financial strategies of the world’s wealthiest families to build a powerful financial foundation — that actually simplifies your finances
- When it comes to retirement planning, you want a better way with less risk and more immediate results
- And you realize that YOU are your best investment
Here’s What to Do Next
Since Budgeting Sucks is a critical message in a world of financial gurus preaching penny-pinching and cutting back — and we're eager to get it out to as many people as possible — we’re prepared to give you a steal of a deal.
You get Budgeting Sucks for just $2.95 as a digital copy — INSTANTLY with no hassle — and you can read it from any computer, phone or tablet.
Plus skipping the paper book means there’s one less tree to cut down at a time where wildfires have ravaged our forests.
And to double-down on rebuilding America’s forests…
Your Book Purchase Plants 1 Tree Today
For every purchase of Budgeting Sucks we are donating $1 to the National Forest Foundation (NFF).
Every $1 donation to the NFF plants 1 native tree in a National Forest in need of reforestation…
And gets us closer to the goal of planting 50,000,000 trees across America to rebuild forests devastated by wildfire, insects and disease.
With your book purchase today, they will plant at least one more tree…
And, for every $1 NFF puts towards rebuilding the forests…
The U.S. Forest Service will match it with $2 of value via project support and implementation.
Pretty good deal, right?
You get the book, you plant a tree and, oh, in case you're wondering ...
Yes, Just $2.95! There is No catch!
At $2.95, we’re not making much money, but we are getting back some of the investment on our expenses getting the book edited, type-set and designed, and marketing expenses.
Even at this price, we’re not really breaking even. So we want to sweeten the deal...
Upgrade to just $5.89 and you’ll also get the Budgeting Sucks Quick Start "Live Free, Retire Wealthy" Guide...
This acts like “cliff notes” if you don’t have time to read the whole book… or as notes to review the book in the future after you read it.
Then… to make the deal even sweeter you...
Get the Audiobook for Just a Penny More!

For just one penny more we’ll also give you the instant audiobook download of Budgeting Sucks (retail value $29.95).
And since it’s audio, you can listen in your car, while working out, cooking dinner, or anywhere else at your convenience.
The retail value of the audiobook is $29.95.
But if you pay $5.90 today, you get the digital book, the Quick Start “Live Free, Retire Wealthy” Guide AND the audiobook for one low, low price.
This Offer Won’t Last Forever —
So Claim Your Copy of Budgeting Sucks Now While It Lasts
So say goodbye to scarcity-minded budgeting, and say “Yes” to Budgeting Sucks by tapping the button above now.
Build the Life You Love,
The Builders at Investment Academy